School Uniform

The Gregg Prep

  • Children attending the school must wear the correct school uniform. EVERY item must be clearly marked with the child’s full name (this includes socks and shoes).
  • All clothing for swimming, gym and games must be kept in the appropriate kit bag when not being used – not a carrier bag.
  • Make up - no noticeble make up is permitted, transfer tattoos and nail varnish are not permitted.
  • Hair - long hair is to be tied back with white or bluehair bands or ribbons.
  • Jewellery -  No jewellery except for a watch and plain gold ear studs, one in each earlobe. These are not to be worn on PE or swimming days. No hooped, dangly or other earrings. The school will not accept responsibility foir the loss of, or damage to, watches or ear studs.
  • Toys - children are not permitted to bring in toys execept for special days when parents are informed.
  • Blazers must be worn to school every day. The school will not accept responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, watches or ear studs.

Your attention is drawn to the fact that rules regarding uniform are accepted when the admission form is signed. If, however, uniform is unavailable, then allowances will be made until the supply is delivered.

Please contact the school office if you are in any doubt about sizing and the requirements of uniform. The regulation items of school uniform with the school logo are available from School Colours.  Click here for instructions on how to order from School Colours.

Any items in the tables below which are marked with an asterisk (*) can be obtained from the school office.

Unisex Uniform
  • Regulation navy blue twisted braid blazer with school badge embroidered on pocket
  • Regulation school tie (if wearing a pinafore not required Year R-4)
  • Regulation navy blue jumper, cardigan or slip over
  • Plain navy or black waterproof coat
  • Plain navy or black fleece scarf, hat and gloves
  • Plain white or navy 'bucket-style' sun hat
  • Plain white short or long-sleeved school shirt
  • Plain black leather or patent flat-heeled shoes (not plimsolls/trainers/boots/fashon shoes/suede). In summer, plain black closed-toe flat-heeled sandals may be worn (not open-toed or sling backs)

  • Plain navy blue or black coat
  • Navy blue all-in-one wet weather suit. Similiar to Regatta's Navy Waterproof Puddle Suit, available from product code RKW 156_540 (Reception only)
  • Wellies (any colour or design) (Reception only)
  • Blue waterproof long-sleeved overall for art and lunchtimes John Lewis product code 53741301 or similiar (Reception only)
Girls’ Uniform


  • Regulation pinafore (pupils Year R to 4) 
  • Plain charcoal grey trousers
  • Plain navy tights or knee-length socks


  • Regulation pinafore (pupils Year R to 4) 
  • Plain charcoal grey school shorts 
  • Plain white ankle or knee-length socks
Boys’ Uniform


  • Plain charcoal grey school trousers
  • Plain charcoal grey ankle socks


  • Plain charcoal grey school shorts
  • Plain charcoal grey ankle socks
  • Plain navy swimming costume or swim trunks (not bikinis)
  • Towel (any colour or design)
  • Regulation house swimming hat with school logo*
  • Swimming goggles and armbands (optional)
Gym, Games, and Sports Days
  • Regulation polo shirt, with school logo
  • Regulation mid layer top
  • Regulation shorts or skort
  • Regulation tracksuit bottoms
  • Regulation baselayer leggings
  • Regulation baselayer top
  • Regulation storm jacket
  • Regulation sports socks
  • Plain navy or black trainers
  • Gum shield (Form 3 to Form 6)
  • Shin pads (Form 3 to Form 6)
Other Items
  • Regulation rucksack with school logo*
  • Regulation drawstring bacg with school logo*
  • Waterbottle (any colour or design, not glass)
  • Snack box (any colour or design, not required for Reception)

The Gregg School

The uniform below is bespoke to The Gregg School and is identifiable with a tax tab. It will therefore need to be purchased from the School Colours website and no other retailer.

  • Skirt – mid-grey colour and appropriate length in relation to the student’s height
  • Trousers – mid-grey colour
  • Lower school blazer – with a twisted braid and badge
  • Upper school blazer – dark navy colour with school badge and choice of a fitted style or a unisex design
  • Jumpers - choice of a long-sleeved jumper or sleeveless jumper bearing a thin blue band around the neck (NOTE - Jumpers are an additional item under a blazer and should not be worn in place of a blazer).
  • School tie
  • Shorts – mid-grey colour and for the summer term only

The following items of uniform can be purchased from all other retailers:

  • White shirts may be purchased from School Colours or any retailer; Long or short sleeved shirt to be worn with tie and should be worn tucked in
  • Tights/Socks – black or navy thick tights (no other colour) or white, non-branded socks when wearing a skirt. When wearing trousers, unbranded grey, navy or black socks; When wearing shorts unbranded grey, navy, black or white ankle socks (no trainer socks), All socks should be non-branded when in full school uniform.
  • Shoes – black leather patent or suede low heel no higher than 5 cm and a style suitable for school (no fashion/trainer style)
  • School bags – suitable dark colour and size of bag that would fit in a locker
  • Waterproof/winter coat (optional) – grey, navy and black with no logos
  • Scarf (optional) – plain grey, navy or black with no patterns
  • Make up and jewellery – no noticeable makeup permitted, nail varnish, false nail and eyelashes are not permitted. Only one small (no more than 1 cm diameter), suitable and appropriate earring in each ear lobe. No other form of body piercing is permitted.
  • Hair – Hair longer than shoulder length should be tied back at all times. Hair must not be non-natural colours. Hair must be presented in a tidy fashion. Extreme lengths and styles are not permitted and any facial hair must be neatly presented.

Equipment List

All students should have a minimum of the following equipment, in a pencil case, with them each day (this includes on PE days) and all students are expected to arrive to each lesson with the correct equipment:

  • Two blue or black pens
  • Two pencils and sharpener
  • A purple pen
  • A rubber
  • A ruler
  • A scientific calculator
  • A protractor
  • A set of compasses

PE Kit

PE and Games kit is purchased online at Once you are on the Gregg School page, you will find a comprehensive list of both compulsory and optional items required. All items are grouped into Key Stages for your convenience (KS3: Year 7-9, KS4: Year 10-11).

In addition, students will need the following which may be purchased from any retailer:

  • Football boots
  • Training shoes
  • Shin pads (essential for football and hockey)
  • Gum shield (essential for hockey and rugby)
  • Towel and swimming attire
  • Navy or black drawstring sports bag (to fit in locker)

All Students

House polo shirts in 3 colours are available at £24 each. They may be purchased in the House colours: RED - Roman, BLUE - Trojan and YELLOW - Spartan. They will have the school crest and printed surname embroidered on the front as well as the House name on the back.


Bags must be strong enough to protect text/exercise books. PE kit should be brought in a separate bag. Lockers are provided for all students, but these cannot accommodate large sports holdalls. 

A "scientific" model calculator. The Casio FX-991EX Classwiz is available from the school, price £23.25. The Oxford Dictionary is available from the school, price £7.99.  A geometry set is required, preferably Helix Achiever.