Prep Entry (Reception to Year 6)

Apply To The Gregg Prep

Children may enter The Gregg Preparatory School from the age of four by joining our Reception class in the September before they become five years old. Children may join the school at any stage of their school life, and at any time of year.


Applications for Reception to Year 6


If you wish your child to join our Reception class (EYFS),  please register your interest by contacting who will be happy to organise a tour of our school. Should you wish to proceed follow the process below.

  • Complete the Application Form that is linked at the end of this page.
  • Pay the £100 registration fee.
  • If you have made your application by January please sign up to attend one of our “Start the Adventure” sessions which run from January to March 2025.  For applications made after January your child will be invited to visit the class and meet the teacher. 
  • We will arrange for our Reception Lead to visit your child in their Nursery/Preschool setting.
  • At the point of receiving an offer letter from the Headteacher you will be provided with a starter information pack and be invited to attend our Transition programme in June.
  • If you wish to accept this offer you will be asked to pay £350 to secure your child's place. This is refunded at the end of your child’s schooling at The Gregg Schools. The offer will include the agreed start date and we will discuss important factors such as school meals, uniform and wraparound care with you.

Year 1 to 6

If you wish your child to join Year 1 to 6,  please register your interest by contacting  who will be happy to organise a tour of our school.  Should you wish to proceed follow the process below.

  • Complete the Application Form that is linked at the end of this page.
  • Pay the £100 registration fee.
  • Forward a copy of your child’s latest school report.
  • Provide a copy of your child’s passport (including visa, if applicable) and proof of address (utility bill, bank statement etc).
  • A  Trial Day will be arranged for your child to spend the day with their prospective class. There is no formal examination although your child will undertake some writing and maths activities so that we can determine their ability and how we can best accommodate their educational needs.
  • Following completion of this Trial Day we will provide you with feedback from the class teacher to give you a full overview of your child’s day, and parents and children will meet the Headteacher. 
  • Should an offer be made by the Headteacher, you will be sent a link to the online starter pack and asked to pay the deposit of £350 to secure your child's place. This is refunded at the end of your child’s schooling at The Gregg Schools. The offer will include the agreed start date and we will discuss important factors such as transport, school meals, uniform and wraparound care with you.

Admissions policy